Lax Ball Forearms
Wall Slides x 20
Banded Wrist Distraction x 10-12 per side *Click link for demo*
Warm-up: 3 Sets, not for time of:
DB Snatch (55/35) x 8 *each arm*
Nose-to-Wall Handstand hold x 60 seconds
Strict Toes 2 Bar x 10
Strength (Skill): 4 Sets of: Drop Snatch x 1 rep
(Only a drive under the barbell – no dip and drive)
Strength (Skill): 3 rounds NOT for time of:
(This is about improving your positioning, not getting stronger or going faster.
Go slow, focus and get better.)
10 OHS (65/45)
10 Squat Therapy *Click link for demo*
MetCon: 21-15-9
Overhead Squat (95/65)
KB Swing (70/53)
KB Swing (70/53)