Friday, March 25, 2016

Day 5

A. Warm-Up

1000m Row
100 walking lunges
15 Banded Hip Extensions

B. Strength

Front Squat (10-8-6-4-2)

C. Accessory Work

Pause OHS (3 x 30s) - Work on feeling comfortable in this position

D. MetCon (Time) 

15 Thrusters (95/65)
30 Calorie Row
90 Double-Unders
30 Calorie Row
15 Thrusters (95/65)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Turning The Page

As many of you may or may not know, I have decided that I will be moving on from Steel Fitness Riverport to pursue a job within the Accounting field so that I can advance my career aspirations while attending school full time. I have learned a lot in my 9 years here, met many friends, and created outstanding relationships. Sure, I could have stayed longer, but with each and every passing month I was losing the opportunity to grow. Once you become complacent, you end up living a life you settled for as oppose to the dreams and aspirations you set out to accomplish in the first place.

Sometimes the first step towards the future is simply that; taking that first step. You have be comfortable being uncomfortable. The only way to grow as an individual is to assess the situation, plan for it, and take risks. If I fail, then I learn. When I learn, I grow. Then you take what you learned and be sure to not repeat the same mistake again. As Johnny Cash once said "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space."

You only have one life to live. Why keep putting off what you truly want out of life. You need to clear your mind and not allow negative thoughts and resistance cloud your dreams. Procrastination is the most common manifestation of resistance because it's the easiest to rationalize. We don't tell ourselves "I'm never going to write my symphony." Instead we say, "I am going to write my symphony; I'm just going to do it tomorrow." The thing about tomorrow is that tomorrow is NEVER promised.

“Dream as if you’ll live forever, Live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean

- Chad

Day 4

A. Warm-Up

1 mile bike
100 walking lunges
15 Banded Hip Extensions

B. Strength

DB Front Squat (5 x 3), ascending


Weighted Chin up - 5RM

D. MetCon (AMRAP) 

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of,

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Wall Balls (20/14)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 3

A. Warm-Up

1 mile bike
100 walking lunges
15 Banded Hip Extensions

B. Strength (EMOM)

Every minute on the minute x 16 minutes,

Odd: 4 Front Squat
Even: 8 Back Squat

*Same weight for both*

B. MetCon

5 Round for time of,

400m Run
30 Air Squats

*20 Minute Time Cap*

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day 2

A. Strength

Front Squat with Belt - Heavy Single

B. Strength

Bench Press (10-8-6-4-2)

C. Accessory Work

DB Floor Press (3 x 15), across

Many people asked Christina yesterday how she worked up to benching 135 x 2. The floor press works on that sticking point that most people have to reach lockout on your bench press.

D. Gun Show

Four sets of,

DB Preacher Curl x 12

Banded Tricep Push Downs x 20

Monday, March 21, 2016

Day 1

A. Strength (EMOM) 

EMOM x 12 Minutes,

1 Front Squat @ 75-80%

B. Accessory Work

Every 5 minutes x 20 minutes (4 sets)

20 DB Walking Lunges (55/35)
20 Ring Dips

C. Conditioning (Intervals)

5 x 300m row (30s rest between efforts)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Day 51

A. Warm-Up

3 min bike
100 walking lunges
15 Banded Hip Extensions

B. Strength

Deadlift - Work up in sets of 3 to find today's "heavy" single

C. Accessory Work (squatLIFE)

6 Sets of the following Complex,

Clean + Split Jerk + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk

D. MetCon (AMRAP)

As many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of,

Partner 1: 400m Run
Partner 2: AMRAP of,

10 Alt. DB Snatch (70/50)
15 ABmat Sit-ups

rest 2 minutes
