Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

Shout out to Scott Mulvaney of Four Square Fitness LLC. Thank you for the support!


Row 1 minute on/ 1 minute off for 10 minutes.

Strength: Bench Press (3 x MAX @ 55-60%)

-Complete 3 sets of MAX reps (or) 4 sets of 12-15

MetCon: As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 minutes of,

10 Push Press (95/65)
15 KB Swings (53/35)
20 AbMat Sit-Ups

Monday, December 30, 2013

I'm Bouncing Off The Walls Again

The Mobility Doc himself, John Giacalone representing his Be Epic shirt.

MetCon: As many reps as possible in 7 minutes of,

Wall Balls (20/14)

*EMOM 5 Deadlifts (225/155)*

-Start with Wall Balls, then do 5 Deadlifts on the top of every minute.
-Score is total Wall Balls completed in 7 minutes

MetCon: For Time

100 Alternating DB Snatches (55/35)

Core: 3 Rounds, not for time of:

10 Double Arm Ring Extensions*

*Sub Barbell or Ab Wheel Rollouts*
-Link above has a demo of both exercises-

Friday, December 27, 2013

That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles

Warm-up: 2 Rounds not for time of:

200m Run or Row
15 GHD
15 Hip Extensions
10 Strict Pull ups
10 Push ups or Strict Ring Dips
10 Reverse Lunge Reach (alternating Samson Stretch)
10 PVC Pass Throughs
10 PVC OHS or Wall Facing Squats
10 Band Pull Aparts

A.) EMOM for 10 minutes

3 Squat Cleans + C2B Pull ups - you choose the weight

- Gymnastic Savvy? - Complete 6 C2B each round and push the load on the cleans.

- Strong but struggle with Gymnastic? - Start with 10 C2B. Goal is to hold 10 each round. Scale back the weight on the cleans slightly to focus on the pull ups.

-Rest 10 minutes-

B.) EMOM for 10 minutes

Row for calories, (guys: 15, girls: 12) + 3 HSPU 

- If strong with HSPU, choose a deficit.
- Can be strict or kipping, try to mix in both.
- Scale to 10/8 Calories
- Sub 3-5 HRPU if you can not do HSPU

-Rest 10 minutes-

C.) EMOM for 10 minutes
Odd: 10 Back Squats
Even: 5 Front Squats
-Use a rack, one barbell and the same weight for both movements.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Boom Goes the Dynamite

Strength: Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:

Odd Minutes – Bench Press x 2-3 reps (75-80%)
Even Minutes – Calorie Row (pick a set number of meters or calories that will be somewhat challenging to achieve in 40-45 seconds – e.g., if you can row 500 meters in 1:40, you might choose to row 200-220 meters on each even minute)

Ex. Mike rowed 200m, Chad rowed 20 calories. Set a goal at the start and hit that goal every round.

Strength: Three sets of:

GHD Sit-Ups x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Supine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed


10-15 minutes of Rowing @ 65-70%

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

25 Days of Christmas

- Thanks Fran -


Work up to today's 1RM Clean and Jerk


25 Back Squat (135/95)
25 Pull-ups
25 Box Jumps (24/20)
25 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
25 Front Squat (95/75)
25 Hang Cleans (95/75)
25 OH Squat (65/45)
25 Cal Row
25 Hand Release Push-Ups
25 GHD Sit-Ups
25 Burpees
100 Double Unders

Monday, December 23, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Strength: (For time)

A.) 4x15 unbroken Deadlifts, 225/155 - must be touch and go.
rest 2 minutes
B.) 3x5 unbroken Bench Press, 225/135 - Scale as needed, should be heavy.
rest 2 minutes
C.) 3x10 unbroken Front Squats, 185/115 - taken from a rack.
rest 2 minutes
D.) 2x5 unbroken Jerks, 185/115 - taken from a rack.
rest 2 minutes
E.) 1x5 unbroken OHS, 185/115 - taken from a rack.

This entire session is for time, but don't allow yourself to work with bad mechanics - be smart and take the time you need to get the reps and drill in good movement. You must break after the prescribed reps and if you can't get a set unbroken you must redo that set.

MetCon (For Time)
160-120-80 Double Unders
80-60-40 Air Squats
40-30-20 HR Push ups

Huge Congrats goes out to Charles and Jess, the new Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Active Recovery Row

Today's Reading: Bodybuilding Movements: Useful or Not?

Active Recovery Rowing Workout (Taking place of the Track, since weather hasn't currently permitted our track workouts. Hoping to get back to them next week)

Thank you goes out to the NC Lab for this one:

1000m mod
200m easy
300m sprint
100m easy

90 sec rest

800m mod
200m easy
300m sprint
100m easy

90 sec rest

600m mod
200m easy
300m sprint
100m easy

90 sec rest

400m mod
200m easy
300m sprint
100m easy

90 sec rest

200m mod
200m easy
300m sprint
100m easy

Total: 6000m

Easy pace: 2000m PR pace + 15-30sec
Mod pace: 2000m PR pace + 5-15sec
Sprint pace: 2000m PR pace or better

Spend some quality time on mobility exercises afterwards. Your body will be plenty warm after this one.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Coach Kaitlin: Kipping Pull-Ups

On any gymnastics apparatus, head position is everything. If you throw your head back trying to do a back flip, your face will meet the floor very quickly! Where your head goes, the rest of your body will follow. You can use this principal to your advantage on kipping pull ups by driving your head as far forward as possible on the down swing, and as far back as possible on the upswing. The path of your head in relation to the bar should be a large letter C. At the very bottom of your swing drive your head forward between your arms and then use your momentum upwards and backwards to pull up on the bar. At the top of the bar, push your body backwards away from the bar instead of dropping straight down so that you have momentum to extend your head forward between your arms on the downswing. The bigger the swing and kipping motion the less work you have to put in!

To help with your head drive forward at the bottom of the bar, continue working on shoulder mobility exercises with your arms held shoulder width apart.

-Coach Kaitlin

Suns Out, Guns Out.


A) Chin-up 3 x 8

-Weighted if applicable

Strength (Superset)

B1) Incline DB Press 3 x 8 (rest 30s)
B2) DB or KB One Arm Row 3 x 10 (rest 30s)

Strength (Superset)

C1) Weighted Dips 1 x 10 (BW) 3 x 8 (Weighted) (rest 30s)
C2) DB Decline Pullover 3 x 10 (rest 30s)

MetCon: (Time)

Double Unders
Push Ups

Vanity (Superset): 

Any kind of bicep curl 3 x 12

-On the Med Ball Slams, be advised that the ball WILL bounce back quickly. Please protect your face.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Strike a Pose!

Look what we have here! That's a lot of Epicness in one room!

Warm-Up: “Defranco Agile 8

1. Foam roll your IT band. Start just below your hip and roll up and down to your outer mid-thigh ten to fifteen times, focusing on any tight spots. Then perform ten to fifteen rolls starting at your outer mid-thigh and rolling all the way down to the outside of your knee

2. Foam roll your adductors. Start just below the crease of your hip and roll up and down your inner mid-thigh ten to fifteen times, focusing on any tight spots. Then perform ten to fifteen rolls starting at your inner mid-thigh and rolling down to the inside of your knee. Again, focus on the tight areas

3. Glute/piriformis myofacsial release with a tennis ball. Take the tennis ball and sit on one your left butt cheek with a slight tilt. Cross your left leg. Roll for 30 seconds or so. Switch cheeks and repeat. Feel free to cry.

4. Rollovers into "V" sits: Perform ten reps.

5. Fire hydrant circles: Perform ten forward circles and ten backward circles with each leg.

6. Mountain climbers: 20 total reps.

7. Groiners: Perform ten reps. Hold the last rep for ten seconds. Make sure to push your knees out with your upper arms while dropping your butt down.

8. Static hip flexor stretch: Perform 3 sets of 10 seconds on each leg. Complete all three sets on one side before moving to the other.

Strength: Strict Press (10-8-6-4-2)

50% x 10
60% x 8
70% x 6
80% x 4
85%+ x 2

-2 Minute Rest-

MetCon (AMRAP): As many rounds as possible in 15 Minutes of, 

30 Double Unders
20 T2B
10 Clean and Jerk (115/85)

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Food That Help Burn Fat: Angie Fenstermaker

After consuming food, energy is required to process it. This increase in metabolic rate is referred to as the ‘Thermic effect’ of food or ‘Diet induced thermogenesis’ (DIT). Planning meals based on this concept may help you to lose and control weight. Diet induced thermogenesis is one of three components of daily energy expenditure and although it is the smallest component, it could play a role in the management of weight control/weight loss through elevating metabolic rate, since different foods require varying amounts of energy for digestion. 

Fat burning foods: 
Wild game(e.g., bison, buffalo, elk) 
Grass fed, lean beef 
Egg Whites 
Green tea 
Coconut oil 
Cruciferous vegetables and leafy green vegetables 
Red hot peppers 

To boost metabolism, incorporate more of these foods into your real food eating regime!


A.) Trap Bar Deadlift (5RM)

- Gradually RAMP up in sets of 5.
- You should reach your top end set (5RM) in 7-8 total sets.
- Ex. 155x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x5, 295x5

B1.) Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 8 (rest 30 seconds)
B2.) Paloff Press Iso Hold x 30 seconds *each side* (rest 60 seconds)

C1.) Cable Pull Throughs 3 x 10 (rest 30 seconds)
C2.) Barbell Rollouts 3 x 8 (rest 60 seconds)

-YES, the cable pull through's might get you some looks in the gym, but this is simple one of the best posterior chain exercises out there.

- If you do not have a cable machine, sub in heavy russian kettlebell swings.

D.) 2000m Row @ 70-75%

Monday, December 16, 2013

Row In The Snow.

by: Ben Bergeron (CrossFit New England)

MetCon: (Partner)

Row 5k

- Each partner rows in 1 minute intervals. NO longer than 5 seconds to transition.
- If you do not have a partner, row 1:1 until you reach 5000m

Strength: EMOM for 10 Minutes,

5, 7, or 10 dips (depending on strength level)

- Would like these to be done on a stationary dip station, but if you only have rings they will also suffice.

Strength: 4 sets of,

Barbell OH Shrug x 12-15 reps
-Rest 30 seconds
Seated Row x 10 reps
-Rest 30 seconds

- Any horizontal row variation will do. One thing I notice with CrossFit as a whole is a lack of horizontal pulling. We like to add these things in to combat the volume of pushing exercises that are done. ex. Barbell Row, Ring Row, DB One Arm Row, DB Row.

Cash Out: "Vanity Fun"

Any "Vanity" exercises you desire. Could be Bicep Curls, Tricep Push-downs, etc. Have some fun and get a pump.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Be Heroic.

Strength: Bench Press (5-3-1)
(Wendler Week 3, cycle 2)

75% x 5
85% x 3
95% x 1+

-Warm up in sets of 5 until 1st working set, you should reach your 1st working set after 3-4 sets.

-Percentages based off of 90% of your 1RM (ex. if your max Bench Press is 290#, your percentages will be based off of 90% of 290# (260#).

-When you see 1+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.

MetCon: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Bench Press (185/115)
10 Pull-ups between rounds

MetCon: "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10

Double Unders
Abmat Sit-ups

Friday, December 13, 2013

Raise The Bar.

10 Jumps (box, squat, or broad)
10 Inch Worms
10 MB Slams
10 Back Extensions
90ft Farmers Carry

Strength: Deadlift (5-5-5)
(Wendler Week 1, cycle 1)

65% x 5
75% x 5
85% x 5+

-Warm up in sets of 5 until 1st working set, you should reach your 1st working set after 3-4 sets.

-Percentages based off of 90% of your 1RM (ex. if your max Deadlift is 290#, your percentages will be based off of 90% of 290# (260#).

-When you see 5+, that means you do the max reps you can manage with that weight, with the goal of setting a rep record in each workout.

MetCon: EMOM for 20 min,

1 Deadlift (95/65)
1 Hang Power Clean (95/65)
1 Front Squat (95/65)

1 Deadlift
1 Hang Power Clean
2 Front Squat

1 Deadlift
1 Hang Power Clean
3 Front Squat

Keep adding 1 Front Squat until you get to 20 Front Squats. If you don’t make it to 20 – switch to 1 Deadlift, 1 Hang Power Clean, and (6) Alternating Front Rack Lunges for the rest of the EMOM.

Cash Out: Banded Good Morning 5 x 12

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Active Shoulders.

Wil Fleming's 3 Phase Olympic Lifting Warm-Up

Phase 1: Mobility
Phase 2: Activation
Phase 3: Movement Prep

Strength: Work to today's (1RM) Snatch. 
Then, drop 30 lbs (or so) off your last make, for 3 sets of 2.

Strength: Work to today's (1RM) Clean & Jerk.
Then, drop 30 lbs (or so) off last make for 3 sets of 2.

MetCon: EMOM 10 minutes:

Top of the minute: 7 hand-release push-ups (feet on 45 lbs plate)
Every :30 mark: 5 chin-ups, short iso-hold at the top position

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.


20 Alternating Prisoner Lunges (Hands behind head)
15 Air Squats
15 Push-ups
30 Lateral Jumps
30 Front-Back Jumps

Skill: 3 sets of:

Overhead Squat Hold x 30 Seconds

Strength: Front Squat (5-3-1+)
(Wendler Week 3, Cycle 2)

75% +10lbs x 5
85% +10lbs x 3
95% +10lbs x 1+

- Percentages based off of 90% of your (1RM) PLUS 10lbs (ex. if your max Front Squat is 225#, your percentages will be based off of 90% of 225# + 10lbs (205# + 10lbs).

Strength (Superset): 3 Sets of,

Snatch Grip Deadlift x 5 (110% 1RM Snatch)
Handstand Push-up x 10
- Rest 1 minute -

MetCon: For time,

750m Row
50 Push Press (95/65)
30 Burpees

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Meathead Monday

We decided to go old school again today. We like to throw in a little bit of everything.  

Here you go:

20 Alternating Lunges
15 Air Squats
15 Push-ups
30 Lateral Jumps
30 Front-Back Jumps

Strength: Circuit 1 
Bench Press
Lat Pull-down

- Couplet to be completed back to back, then 1 minute rest between sets.
- Use the same weight, or increase but don't sacrifice intensity for weight.

Strength: Circuit 2

DB Incline Press 4 x 12-15
DB One Arm Row 4 x 10-12

- Couplet to be completed back to back, then 1 minute rest between sets.
- Use the same weight, or increase but don't sacrifice intensity for weight.

Strength: Circuit 3

Machine Fly's 4 x 10
Low Cable Row 4 x 10

- Couplet to be completed back to back, then 1 minute rest between sets.
- Use the same weight, or increase but don't sacrifice intensity for weight.

Note: Adhere to the rest periods as prescribed to keep the intensity of this workout where it needs to be.

Monday, December 9, 2013


Warm-Up: 50-40-30-20-10

Double Unders (Unbroken)
*4 burpee penalty if you trip up*

-If you do not have double unders yet, use this time to practice and just get your body warmed up.

-We do a lot of double unders, I believe the jump rope is easily one of the best conditioning tools out there.

MetCon: EMOM for 10 minutes

5 Pull-ups (sub Ring Rows)
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

Strength (Superset): 4 Sets of,

Bent Over Barbell Row x 10
45 second plank hold

-Not for time. Use a weight that allows you to perform every rep perfectly.

10-1 Box Jumps (24/20)
1-10 Toes 2 bar 

-Ex. 10 box jumps, 1 T2b, 9 Box Jumps, 2 T2b, etc...

25 Days of Christmas:

Row for MAX meters in 5 minutes.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Funday

MetCon: 10 Rounds, for time of:

250m Row
50 Double Unders (sub 150 Singles)

*25 Minute time cap*

MetCon: 6 round for time,

10 Alternating DB Snatch (55/35)
10 Deadlifts (185/135)
15 Lateral Bar Hops

Friday, December 6, 2013

Chocolate Apple Oatmeal Protein Bars: by Angie


Gluten free, and with REAL Ingredients, of course! 

  • 2 cups gluten free rolled oats 
  • 1/2 cup natural nut butter (You can use any type of nut butter you prefer.) 
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil 
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed 
  • 4 scoops chocolate protein powder 
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened organic applesauce 


1. Line an 8" square baking dish/pan with parchment paper (wax paper will also work if you do not have parchment paper on hand). He & She Tip: I trimmed my parchment paper to fit and put one strip going longways and one strip sideways. 

2. Warm the nut butter and the coconut oil in the microwave for 15-20 seconds to soften. 

3. Combine all ingredients in a medium-sized bowl. Mix using hands or a spoon until well blended. 

4. Pour mixture into lined dish and smooth with the back of a spoon until even. 

5. Place in freezer for 45 minutes. Remove from freezer, lifting parchment paper and bars out of the pan and place on a flat surface. Using a pizza wheel, cut into 8 bars. 


End-Week MetCon

Motivation: CrossFit, Lauren Fisher, Growing up strong.

Warm-up: Mobility: Chest/Hips

Strength: Four Sets NOT for time:

10 Barbell Bench Press (65% 1RM)

MetCon: 8 min. AMRAP
*Bar is taken from the ground*
8 Front Squats (135/95)
8 Barbell Pushups 

-Rest 3 Minutes-

MetCon: 6 min. AMRAP
*Bar is taken from the ground*
6 Back Squats (135/95)
6 Ring Dips 

25 Days of Christmas:
Tabata AbMat Sit-ups

Cool Down: Flexibility: Chest/Shoulders/Quads

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Talk is cheap. Squat deep.

Strength: Back Squat (3 x 3)
(Wendler Week 2, cycle 2)
(Rest 3–5 minutes between WORK sets)

70% x 3 +10lbs
80% x 3 +10lbs
90% x 3 +10lbs

-Percentages based off of 90% of your (1RM) PLUS 10lbs (ex. if your max Back Squat is 225#, your percentages will be based off of 90% of 225# + 10lbs (205# + 10lbs).

Strength: In only 5 attempts, build to a heavy Muscle Snatch

Strength: Five sets of: Hang Snatch x 1 rep @ 75-85% of 1RM Snatch
(Rest as needed)

Strength (Complex): 5 total rounds of:

1 Snatch DL
1 Hang Snatch
2 OH Squats
1 Snatch Balance

- Use a weight that you can perform every rep perfectly.
- This is meant more for practice than load.

MetCon (Time): 25 Days of Christmas day 2

For Time: Row 50 Calories

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Spotted at the gym! Last chance T-shirts!

Spotted some good friends wearing their cmXfit "Be Epic." T-shirts at the gym! Epic workouts!

Just a reminder, this Monday we will be placing a second order on the "Be Epic." T-Shirts. This will be the last order for this original version of the T-shirt.

Contact Chad or Mike with your size.

Cash Only: $25.00 

Old School (Upper Body Strength)

I decided I wanted to take Mike through one of my old school workouts that I saw a lot of success on. Sometimes you just need a little change of pace, and this definitely was a great stimulus.


Wall Slide x 10
Quadruped T- Rotation x 8 (Each Side)

Warm-Up: 3 Rounds 
(Rest 20s between exercises)

Plyometric Push-up x 3

Strength: Bench Press (3 x 3) 
(Wendler Week 2, cycle 2)
(Rest 3–5 minutes between WORK sets)

70% x 3 +5lbs
80% x 3 +5lbs
90% x 3 +5lbs

-Percentages based off of 90% of your (1RM) PLUS 5lbs (ex. if your max Bench Press is 225#, your percentages will be based off of 90% of 225# + 5lbs (205# + 5lbs).

B.) Weighted Chin-up 
1 x 8 (BW) 
4 x 6 (Weighted) 

C.) Weighted Dips 
1 x 10 (BW) 
4 x 8 (Weighted) 

D.) Strict Press 
4 x 10 

E1.) Hammer Curls 3 x 10 
E2.) Med Ball Clench Pushups 3 x 10 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Be Inspiring.

Simple and effective tip for Olympic lifts: Adjusting Foot Position

Strength: Work up to 85-90% of your 1RM Snatch

Every Minute, On the minute for 5 minutes:
1 Snatch @ the weight you worked up to

Strength: Work up to 85-90% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk

Every Minute, On the minute for 5 minutes:
1 Clean & Jerk @ the weight you worked up to.

Strength: Front Squat (3 x 3)
(Wendler Week 2, Cycle 2)

70% + 10lbs x 3
80% + 10lbs x 3
90% + 10lbs x 3+

-Percentages based off of 90% of your (1RM) PLUS 10lbs
(ex. if your max Front Squat t is 225#, your percentages will be based off of 90% of 225# + 10lbs (205# + 10lbs).

MetCon (Time): 25 Days of Christmas (Day 1)

25 Burpees

Monday, December 2, 2013

Partner Up

MetCon: EMOM for 20 Minutes,

Even: 15 Calorie Row
Odd: 15 Box Jumps (24/20)

MetCon (Partner):

Partner 1: 20 GHD Sit-ups (Pace)
Partner 2: As Many Hand Release Strict Pull-ups as possible

Score: Total Pull-ups completed as a team.