Friday, November 1, 2013

Stay on TRACK.

Another Track workout taken from the NC Lab team. Check them out HERE.

"Here’s what Coach Chris wants you to do today…

Two weeks prior to the 2013 CrossFit, Jason, Garret, and Miranda ran 10 x 800 meters with a work to rest ratio of 1:1. They had been developing their endurance for 6 months and needed a solid performance test. This workout was created by Runners World and is know in the marathon running community as Yasso 800s.
See Runners World article:

This is a commonly used workout performed by marathoners in order to predict their finishing time. The theory behind Yasso 800s is that your average time in minutes and seconds for a workout of 10 x 800m with equal recovery time is the same as the hours and minutes of your marathon time. For example, if you can run 10 x 800m averaging 3 minutes and 40 seconds with the same 3 minutes and 40 seconds recovery duration, then this predicts that you can run 3 hours and 40 minutes for your marathon. Average 3:05 for the 800s and you could run 3:05 for the marathon.

Workout: 10 x 800m with a 1:1 work:rest ratio.

Jason Khalipa averaged 2:57.9
Garret Fisher averaged 2:54.5
Miranda Oldroyd averaged 3:32.9
Chad Doncsecz averaged 3:05.5
Michael Kasprenski averaged 3:31.6

"Believe that you can run farther or faster. Believe that you're young enough, old enough, strong enough, and so on to accomplish everything you want to do. Don't let worn-out beliefs stop you from moving beyond yourself." - John Bingham

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